#75 Phantom
Somewhere to look sad eyes, the ghost wanted dead is occurring, framed appeared in this world, in order to take revenge on the people who drove himself to death. Put those driven by fear of sharp nails and screaming demons careful. I do not know now may be next to you. Magical powers, dragging the opponent into the air, battering attacks go up faster target hit nalmyeo the sky flee in horror, demons, spirits fly, the deceased in the grave to summon the of making wongwi another ghost attack the the soul butterfly, the only planted butterfly soul to the butterfly soul of his opponents to launch Manda skill and sharp nails and screaming, opponents fear driving subtypes mercenaries.
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Saya hanyalah manusia biasa, yang tidak lepas dari kekurangan, untuk itu, Saya mengharapkan, Kritik dan Saran Anda di form KOMENTAR dibawah ini, untuk memperbaiki kekurangan yang ada.
Sebagai pribadi yang BAIK, kita harus membudayakan kata-kata yang sopan, baik berupa Kritik atau Saran. Terimakasih :)~