#70 Barbarian
Made sure when to start, you do not know on the battlefield the a wandering barbarian forsaken lost his defeat robbers met a girl, looking for his own self, to bring peace in a village. Berserk, that some damage during the attack, defense, movement speed increase and yelling around the target to make war with the rigid body, holding down the target, hitting Howl Crashers, a lazy float battered opponents attack range, attack, attack skills focused. mercenaries, and in the forefront of the battlefield with a powerful and strong attack, driving the opponent to fear establish.
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Saya hanyalah manusia biasa, yang tidak lepas dari kekurangan, untuk itu, Saya mengharapkan, Kritik dan Saran Anda di form KOMENTAR dibawah ini, untuk memperbaiki kekurangan yang ada.
Sebagai pribadi yang BAIK, kita harus membudayakan kata-kata yang sopan, baik berupa Kritik atau Saran. Terimakasih :)~