#21 Smile Joker
The Smile Joker squeeze my way through the battlefield holding ppyongmangchi ridiculous dress attending agile proximity mercenaries. 100t Hammer hidden, like gum on the ground and pulled out a ticket tossed the a laugh box on the street corner opponent passes between the belly and smiling fall away to create a flat, even Fang Fang opponent to ppyongmangchi, lying on the floor, not enough! Struck down, raise about the opponent. Hanging cliffs tourism relative been fooled ppyongmangchi, the balloon at the moment when the opponent has hit a 36-meter run away quickly transformed into a boy? Joker only chased one chiryeo chase that sense ~! It can be anytime, under any circumstances, do not forget to smile and sense literally true Smile Joker.
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Saya hanyalah manusia biasa, yang tidak lepas dari kekurangan, untuk itu, Saya mengharapkan, Kritik dan Saran Anda di form KOMENTAR dibawah ini, untuk memperbaiki kekurangan yang ada.
Sebagai pribadi yang BAIK, kita harus membudayakan kata-kata yang sopan, baik berupa Kritik atau Saran. Terimakasih :)~